We're happy to report the following areas of progress in our transition to the new website:
- If you are using the main search box from Kenrick's campus, you no longer need to log in to see results and access e-books and online articles. Simply click on the "Access" button in the results and click through. To get content through the "Read Online" button, however, it is best to log in even if you are on campus. We are working with EBSCO to establish IP recognition for that button as well.
- We have added a third tab to the main search box for MOBIUS, which will carry your search terms directly over to the MOBIUS catalog if you select the tab. You no longer need to make a separate trip to the MOBIUS catalog or reenter your search terms there.
- We have added a page devoted to our major online reference works. You can find it by clicking on "Discover" in the website's top menu and then clicking on "Online Reference." This page provides links to and overviews of our major reference resources such as the New Catholic Encyclopedia, the Eerdmans Digital Reference Library, and Oxford Reference, plus links to Oxford Handbooks in Theology, Cambridge Companions, and Oxford Bibliographies.
- We have also added another page with quick links to several Church documents and websites. You can find it by clicking on "Discover" in the website's top menu and then clicking on "Church Documents." This page provides links in alphabetical order to the Vatican and USCCB websites, the Bible, the Catechism, papal encyclicals, PPF-6, the Code of Canon Law, and more.
Here are items on which we are still working:
- If you are using the main search box from campus and you did not log in, the performance of the "Read Online" button is still inconsistent. "Access" remains a safer bet. We are working with EBSCO's development team to make "Read Online" more consistent with the ultimate goal of merging it with "Access."
- On occasion, even if you are logged in, you will see a 500 error message and a sad-looking fish if you click on "Access." That is a resolver issue that is impacting EBSCO's new user interface across all institutions, and it will be resolved in a few weeks. However, there is an easy fix: you will see a reload button in the middle of the page when you see that error message. Click on it, and it will take you where you need to go.
- We are exploring options on how to link directly to SLU content for our SLU-affiliated patrons at Kenrick, so they will not have to replicate searches on two different library websites. The consensus from EBSCO's programmers is that it is doable, but we are considering options.