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Page & Pickup

The Souvay Memorial Library is pleased to offer a "Page & Pickup" service for books, available to all Kenrick patrons.  With this service, the library will retrieve items you request from the stacks, check them out to you, and have them available for you to pick up from the circulation desk.    

  • Please expect at least 24 hours' delivery time.  The library will only be running pages once a day.
  • The fastest way to get a book from the library remains coming into the stacks and retrieving it yourself. 
  • Student workers will be carrying out most retrievals.  During their shifts, they will prioritize retrieving and checking out books for faculty and thesis writers.   

ILL: Books

Should neither the Souvay Memorial Library nor any of our MOBIUS partners have a book that you need, we can file an interlibrary loan (ILL) request on your behalf, and ask other libraries across the country to supply you with the book.

  • Contact us or simply fill out the library forms embedded in SouvaySearch or in Lean Library with whatever information you have about the book:
    • Catalog link
    • Author
    • Title
    • Date or place of publication
  • ILL transactions typically take several days to deliver items to Kenrick, so make sure that your request comes well in advance of any deadlines.

    ILL: Articles

    If we do not have online access to or the hard copy of an article you need, we can file an ILL request on your behalf to get a copy of the article.

    • The article will be delivered to you as a PDF.
    • Again, contact us or use the library forms embedded in SouvaySearch or Lean Library and provide us with whatever basic bibliographic information you may have:
      • Title and author of the article
      • Name of the journal
      • Volume and year
      • Page numbers. 


    The Souvay Memorial Library offers a document delivery service--that is, the library will scan print materials from our collection at your request.  Simply ask a librarian, contact us, or use the forms that are embedded in SouvaySearch entries or in Lean Library to send us the citation or catalog link of the item you want scans from, and a list of page numbers.

    This service is perfect for:

    • Faculty who want to share PDFs of required readings with their classes and post them to Populi, Kenrick's learning management system.  
    • Faculty or seminarian researchers who would prefer scans of articles or book chapters that are otherwise only available in print, especially in non-circulating journals and reference works.
    • Thesis writers from other dioceses who would like to take some of their research home with them, but do not want to carry lots of books and cannot take bound journals with them.


    Under US copyright law, libraries can make digital reproductions of items in their print collections even if those items remain under copyright, under the principle of "Fair Use," which supports private study, scholarship, or research.  However, there are limits to what libraries can scan:

    • The library cannot scan an entire book within copyright and make it available or downloadable in its entirety.
    • The library also cannot scan several chapters out of a book in a single document delivery request.

    What the library can scan:

    • Journal articles.
    • Individual essays from conference proceedings, Festschriften, or edited volumes.
    • A single chapter from a book that falls within copyright--i.e. most books published after 1929.
    • Extracts from a book under copyright, so long as those extracts are not more than 10 percent of the total book.   


    • If you are collegian or pre-theologian, you have library privileges at Saint Louis University (SLU).  Some faculty also have SLU privileges.  If you do, you can use SLU's document delivery service to request scans of items from SLU's collections by logging into ILLiad using your SLUnet credentials. 
    • We are happy to make scans from older items from our collection.  But if you want a scan from something published before 1929, first make sure it has not already been digitized.  The following sites have millions of older books freely available online:

    Writing Center: About

    The Kenrick Academic Office and the Souvay Memorial Library jointly sponsor the Writing Center, which provides seminarians tutoring assistance with writing assignments.  Please reach out to the authorized tutors listed below to set up an appointment, or reach out to the Writing Center directly at

    Thesis writers should schedule an appointment with the Library Director to discuss topics, resources, and submission guidelines.  

    Writing Center: Tutors

    For the 2024-2025 academic year:

    • Clayton Huck
    • Deacon Brian Hula
    • Deacon Daniel Mauro
    • Kyle Pfeifer
    • Nicholas Samsel

    Writing a Research Paper

    For practical advice on how to begin the research process and write a successful paper, make sure you check out our guide, which you can also find on the library homepage by clicking on the LibGuides button.


    If you are a Kenrick patron OFF CAMPUS or an Augustine Institute patron, please log in to access results through the main search box. Click on "Log in" in the upper right corner of the screen. You will need your email address and self-chosen 4-8-digit PIN. If you do not yet have a PIN, click on the FAQs button underneath the main search box, click on the first item ("How do I set up my library account?"), and follow the instructions there. You do not need to log in to use other parts of the site.